Can not love be physical too?

Many thousands of men and women have been murdered in political fights related to the concept of witchcraft. Wikipedia contains a detailed entry about it. Wikipedia displays in its Malleus Maleficarum article, “The Malleus Maleficarum asserts that three elements are necessary for witchcraft: the evil intentions of the witch, the help of the Devil, and… Continue reading Can not love be physical too?

For The World Is Hollow And I Have Touched The Sky

Netflix—Star Trek: The Original Series Triune God, hear my prayers! Let the world not be hollow! July 3, 2013 Acts 4:39 …His advice was accepted; 40 and they had the apostles called in, gave orders for them to be flogged, warned them not to speak in the name of Jesus and released them. 41 And… Continue reading For The World Is Hollow And I Have Touched The Sky


Royalty and subjects; doctors and patients; educated and uneducated; private and public; rich and poor; righteous and wicked; saints and sinners; management and labor; officers and soldiers; beautiful and ugly—we live in a profoundly divided world. Luke 11:14 He was casting out a devil and it was dumb;but when the devil had gone out the… Continue reading indivisible