
Thank you Elohim: for allowing my brothers to escape this fate.

Zechariah 10:1 Ask Elohim: for rain at the time of the spring rains. For it is Elohim: who sends the lightning and gives the showers of rain; he gives bread to man and grass to the cattle. 2 Because the teraphim utter futile words and the diviners have lying visions and publish empty dreams and voice misleading nonsense, naturally the people stray like sheep; they wander because they have no shepherd. 3 `My anger burns against the shepherds, and I mean to punish the he-goats.’ Yes, Elohim: (Sabaoth) will take care of His flock (the House of Judah), He will make it His proud steed (in battle). 4 From Him will issue Cornerstone and tent-peg, from Him the bow of battle, from Him all the leaders. Together 5 they will be like heroes trampling the dirt of the streets (in battle); they will fight, since Elohim: is with them, and the riders of horses will be thrown into confusion. 6 And I will make the house of Judah mighty, and the House of Joseph victorious. I am going to restore them, because I have taken pity on them, and they shall be as though I had never cast them off (for I am Elohim: their God and I mean to answer their prayer), 7 Ephraim will be like a hero. Their hearts will be cheered as though by wine. Their sons will look on this in gladness, their hearts will exult in Elohim:. 8 I am going to whistle to them and gather them in (for I will redeem them); they will be as numerous as they used to be. 9 I have scattered them among the peoples but from far away they will remember me (they will rear their sons, and these will return). 10 I mean to bring them back from the land of Egypt, and gather them from Assyria; I shall lead them into the land of Gilead (and Lebanon), and even that will not be large enough for them. 11 They will pass through the narrow sea of Egypt (and he will strike the waves on the sea); all the depths of the Nile will be dried up. The arrogance of Assyria will be cast down and the scepter of Egypt be taken away. 12 Their strength will be in Elohim:; in His name they will glory; it is Elohim: who speaks.

By admin

A ranter who in the end thanks joyfully.

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