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Democracy for America Infographic

Banking on Education infographic via Democracy for America

October 7, 2017
It wasn’t until Microsoft Encarta was well established and selling voluminously that I realized that I had been educated in one of the poorest school systems in the U.S. and had transferred to a school system in one of the most richest parts of the U.S. In this rich school system I met two high school students who had mastered calculus amongst other educationally advanced pupils.

Can they (or anyone Honorable) decide amongst options presented by a four billion dollar per year industry? And why does the latest 2018 budget law disregard the Congressional Budget Office in favor of estimates computed by the chair of the Committee on the Budget?

Building a Better America
This budget gives reconciliation instructions to 11 House committees to achieve at least $203 billion in mandatory savings and reforms.

The number of voting representatives in the House is fixed by law at no more than 435, proportionally representing the population of the 50 states.

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district.

How is this budget democratic? I must have a low IQ or am too accustomed to poverty to understand it? Who chooses the chair of the Committee on the Budget?

October 24, 2017
How are “rules of reconciliation” democratic when they do not allow Democratic Senators and Representatives’ votes to make a difference when passing law? What kind of rule of law is this?

Ezekiel 4:1 ‘Son of man, take a tile and lay it in front of you; on it scratch a city, Jerusalem. 2 You are then to besiege it, trench round it, build earthworks, pitch camps and bring up battering-rams all round. 3 Then take an iron pan and place it as if it were an iron wall between you and the city. Then turn to it; it is being besieged and you are besieging it. This is a sign for the House of Israel.

By admin

A ranter who in the end thanks joyfully.

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