resurrection, death, and the mountain

Romans 11:1 Let me put a further question then: is it possible that God has rejected his people? Of course not. I, an Israelite, descended from Abraham through the tribe of Benjamin, 2 could never agree that God had rejected his people, the people he chose specially long ago. Do you remember what scripture says of Elijah–how he complained to God about Israel’s behavior: 3 “Lord, they have killed your prophets and broken down your altars. I, and I only, remain, and they want to kill me.” 4 What did God say to that? `I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not bent the knee to Baal’…11 Let me put another question then: have the Jews fallen for ever, or have they just stumbled? Obviously they have not fallen for ever: their fall, though, has saved the pagans in a way the Jews may now well emulate. 12 Think of the extent to which the world, the pagan world, has benefited from their fall and defection–then think how much more it will benefit from the conversion of them all. 13 Let me tell you pagans this: I have been sent to the pagans as their apostle, and I am proud of being sent, 14 but the purpose of it is to make my own people envious of you, and in this way save some of them. 15 Since their rejection meant the reconciliation of the world, do you know what their admission will mean? Nothing less than a resurrection from the dead! 16 A whole batch of bread is made holy if the first handful of dough is made holy; all the branches are holy if the root is holy. 17 No doubt some of the branches have been cut off, and, like shoots of wild olive, you have been grafted among the rest to share with them the rich sap provided by the olive tree itself, 18 but still, even if you think yourself superior to the other branches, remember that you do not support the root; it is the root that supports you. 19 You will say: Those branches were cut off on purpose to let me be grafted in! True, 20 they were cut off, but through their unbelief; if you still hold firm, it is only thanks to your faith. Rather than making you proud, that should make you afraid. 21 God did not spare the natural branches, and he is not likely to spare you.

All of the virtual particles are a great mountain…

Isaiah 25:6 On this mountain, Elohim: will prepare for all peoples a banquet of rich food, a banquet of fine wines, of food rich and juicy, of fine strained wines. 7 On this mountain He will remove the…veil covering all peoples, and the shroud enwrapping all nations, He will destroy death for ever. 8 Elohim: will wipe away the tears from every cheek; He will take away His people’s shame everywhere on earth, for Elohim: has said so. 9 That day, it will be said: See, this is our God in whom we hoped for salvation; Elohim: is the one in whom we hoped. We exult and we rejoice that He has saved us; 10 for the hand of Elohim: rests on this mountain.

on which an altar can be built.

July 22, 2016
Micah 6:1 Now listen to what Elohim: is saying: Stand up and let the case begin in the hearing of the mountains and let the hills hear what you say. 2 Listen, you mountains, to Elohim:’s accusation, give ear, you foundations of the earth, for Elohim: is accusing his people, pleading against Israel; 3 My people, what have I done to you, how have I been a burden to you? Answer me. 4 I brought you out of the land of Egypt, I rescued you from the house of slavery; I sent Moses to lead you, with Aaron and Miriam. 5 My people, remember: shat did Balak plot, that king of Moab? What did Balaam answer, that son of Beor?…………………………………………………from Shittim to Gilgal, for you to know that rightness of the ways of Elohim:. 6 —`With what gift shall I come into Elohim:’s presence and bow down before God on high? Shall I come with holocausts, with calves one year old? 7 Will he be pleased with rams by the thousand, with libations of oil in torrents? Must I give my first-born for what I have done wrong, the fruit of my body for my own sin?’

8 —What is good has been explained to you, man; this is what Elohim: asks of you: only this, to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God.

9 The voice of Elohim:. He is calling to the city: Listen, tribe, and assembly of the city 12 whose rich men are crammed with violence, whose citizens are liars. 10 Must I put up with fraudulent measure, or that abomination the short-weight bushel? 11 Must I hold the man honest who measures with false scales and a bag of faked weights? 12 I have therefore begun to strike you down, to bring you to ruin for your sins. 15 You will sow but never reap, press the olive but never rub yourself with oil, press the grape but never drink wine from it; 14 you will eat but never be satisfied, store away but never preserve—and what is preserved I shall give to the sword. 16 You keep the laws of Omri and follow all the practices of the house of Ahab; you are guided by their standards, and they force me to make a terrible example of you, and to turn your inhabitants into a laughing-stock, to suffer the scorn of the peoples. 7:1 I am in trouble! I have become lie a harvester in summer time, like a gleaner at the vintage: not a single cluster to eat, not one of the early figs I so long for. 2 The devout have vanished from the land: there is not one honest man left. All are lurking for blood, every man hunting down his brother. 3 Their hands are skilled in evil: the official demands…, the judge gives judgement for a bribe, the man in power pronounces as he pleases. 5 Put no trust in a neighbor, have no confidence in a friend; to the woman who shares your bed do not open your mouth. 6 For son insults father, daughter defies mother, daughter-in-law defies mother-in-law; a man’s enemies are those of his own household. 4 …among them, the best is like a briar, the most honest a hedge of thorn. Today will come their ordeal from the North, now is that time for their confusion. 7 For my part, I look to Elohim:, my hope is in the God who will save me; my God will hear me. 8 Do not gloat over me, my enemy: through I have fallen, I shall rise; though I live in darkness, Elohim: is my light. 9 I must suffer the anger of Elohim:, for I have sinned against him, until he takes up my cause and rights my wrongs; he will bring me out into the light and I shall rejoice to see the rightness of his ways. 10 When my enemy sees it, she will be covered in shame, she who said to me, `Where is Elohim: your God?’ My eyes will gloat over her; she will be trampled underfoot like mud in the streets. 11 The day is coming for rebuilding your walls. Our frontiers will be extended that day, 12 men will come to you that day from Assyria as far as to Egypt, from Tyre as far as to the river, from sea to sea, from mountain to mountain. 13 The earth will become a desert by reason of its inhabitants, in return for what they have done. 14 With shepherd’s crook lead your people to pasture, the flock that is your heritage, living confined in a forest with meadow land all around. Let them pasture in Bashan and Gilead as in the days of old. 15 As in the days when you came out of Egypt grant us to see wonders. 16 The pagans, seeing it, will be confounded for all their power; they will lay their hands to their mouths, their ears will be deafened by it. 17 They will lick the dust like serpents, like things that crawl on the earth. They will come trembling from their lairs, in terror and fear before you. 18 What god can compare with you: taking fault away, pardoning crime, not cherishing anger forever but delighting in showing mercy? 19 One more have pity on us, tread down our faults, to the bottom of the sea throw all our sins. 20 Grant Jacob your faithfulness, and Abraham your mercy, as you swore to our fathers from the days of long ago.

It is well known that the human body is made up of astounding biological engines and equally unfathomable nuclear processes.

Who is superior? What makes a genius more able to achieve insights that the rest of us cannot? Do they tap into these engines and processes in ways that the rest of us can’t? Or is the whole view backwards? What if in the first moments of the big bang the Triune God intervened, creating goodness? What if it is the unknown quantum sphere that is superior and that those we recognize as geniuses are those that have mastered (each in their own way) their relationship to this sphere? What can a person become!

Or what evil lurks in the depths of Man. What spirit have groups of terrorists created? I envision a great spiritual war: As earthly life is built on the quantum sphere, great spirits are built by communities in the observable universe. It is terrible to think that the devil is built from the kingdoms he showed Jesus…

America must be a republic for all. Not just for those who love you, leaving others in a righteous hate. But for all! America must include you too.

Liberal. Conservative. Tea Party. Make America Great. What is the American future?!

By admin

A ranter who in the end thanks joyfully.


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