Fátima, Portugal


The third prophecy!!

The machines, whose existence is real, prophesy an earth with an artificial sun exploring the universe. And, H. sapiens, all immortal! (That is, all in their risen bodies at this?, time!)

How’s that for the potential of life on earth!!!

Yes! …a future…

August 6, 2012

Tobit 12:6 Then Raphael took them both aside and said, `Bless God, utter His praise before all the living for all the favors He has given you. Bless and extol His name. Proclaim before all men the deeds of God as they deserve, and never tire of giving Him thanks. 7 It is right to keep the secret of a king, yet right to reveal and publish the works of God. Thank Him worthily. Do what is good, and no evil can befall you. 8 Prayer with fasting and alms with right conduct are better than riches with iniquity. Better to practice alms giving than to hoard up gold. 9 Alms giving saves from death and purges every kind of sin. 10 Those who give alms have their fill of days; those who commit sin and do evil, bring harm on themselves. 11 I am going to tell you the whole truth, hiding nothing from you. I have already told you that it is right to keep the secret of a king, yet right too to reveal in worthy fashion the works of God. 12 So you must know that when you and Sarah were at prayer, it was I who offered your supplications before the glory of the Lord and who read them; so too when you were burying the dead. 13 When you did not hesitate to get up and leave the table to go and bury a dead man, I was sent to test your faith, 14 and at the same time God sent me to heal you and your daughter-in-law Sarah. 15 I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand ever ready to enter the presence of the glory of the Lord.’ 16 They were both overwhelmed with awe; they fell on their faces in terror. 17 But the angel said, `Do not be afraid; peace be with you. Bless God for ever. 18 As far as I was concerned, when I was with you, my presence was not by any decision of mine, but by the will of God; it is He whom you must bless throughout your days, He that you must praise. 19 You thought you saw me eating, but that was appearance and no more. 20 Now bless the Lord on earth and give thanks to God. I am about to return to him above who sent me. Write down all that has happened.’ And he rose in the air. 21 When they stood up again, he was no longer visible. They praised God with hymns; they thanked Him for having performed such wonders; had not an angel of God appeared to them?

Tobit 13 And He said: God scourged you for your handiwork yet still will take pity on the sons of the upright. Thank the Lord as He deserves and bless the King of the ages, that your Temple may be rebuilt with joy within you and with you He may comfort every exile, and within you He may love all those who are distressed, for all generations to come. A bright light shall shine over all the regions of the earth; many nations shall come from far away to dwell close to the holy name of the Lord God, with gifts in their hands for the King of heaven. Within you, generation after generation shall proclaim their joy, and the name of her who is Elect shall endure through generations to come. Then you will exult, and rejoice over the sons of the upright, for they will all have been gathered in and will bless the Lord of the ages. Happy are those who love you, happy those who rejoice over your peace, happy those who have mourned over all your punishment! For they will soon rejoice within you, witnessing all your blessedness in days to come.

Tobit 13:15 My soul blesses the Lord, the great King, because Jerusalem shall be built anew and His house for ever and ever.

Thank You Jesus Christ!

March 2013
Discover magazine highlights a parallel evolution resulting from H. sapiens‘ inventions. Discover magazine and I invite you to read the article.

April-May 2016
Isaiah 61:1 The spirit of the LORD has been given to Me, for Jehovah has anointed Me. He has sent Me to bring good news to the poor, to bind up hearts that are broken; to proclaim liberty to captives, freedom to those in prison; 2 to proclaim a year of favor from Jehovah, a day of vengeance for our God, to comfort all those who mourn…

YES! From a cocoon to a being acceptable to Jehovah!

May 2017
Join EWTN as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Fatima.

By admin

A ranter who in the end thanks joyfully.

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