To Be Or Not To Be

To be or not to be, that is the question.

After observing celebrities, dignitaries, and highly placed people, it seems to me that not living life in its fullness is a method for living a long life.

In this world, the more you live the shorter your life will be.

Thus, we have a priestly group of people who deny their personal life in order to live long on this earth.

I prefer the example of the Son of our Triune God. That is to be laden with gifts and to use them to the fullest. This will bring about attention and immersed in the methods of the world, of course bring about the anger of those who have always possessed the authority of dogma, of law. Like the Son, using the Triune God’s gifts will bring on suffering and death.

But we will rise if we have used His gifts to bring about life!

By admin

A ranter who in the end thanks joyfully.

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