“they’re farming”

Pay money, learn what you know, get out of the situation with no illegality.

Never have the money to pay the schools, try to think to keep the brain in shape: be judged while you think at work trying to earn the money.

Consign to a future flipping burgers and be threatened into supporting the impeached.

This is not a game. President Clinton was impeached by the House and left the White House in great debt.

The First Lady’s campaign was affected by this.

The Jinn are here.

Daniel 8:15 As I, Daniel, gazed at the vision and tried to understand it, I saw someone standing before me who looked like a man, 16 I heard a man’s voice cry between the Ulai, ‘Gabriel, tell him the meaning of the vision!’ 17 He approached the place where I was standing; as he approached I was seized with terror, and fell prostrate.

Matthew 15:21 Jesus left that place and withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 Then out came a Canaanite woman from the district and started shouting, ‘Sir, Son of David, take pity on me. My daughter is tormented by a devil.’ 23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples went and pleaded with him. ‘let her go with her request granted,’ they said ‘because she is shouting after us.’ 24 He said in reply, ‘I was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel’. 25 But the woman had come up and was kneeling at his feet. ‘LORD,’ she said ‘help me.’ 26 He replied, ‘It is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the house-dogs’. 27 She retorted, ‘…even house-dogs can eat the scraps that fall from their master’s table’. 28 Then Jesus answered her, ‘Woman, you have great faith. Let your wish be granted.’ And from that moment her daughter was well again.

Mark 13:7 When you <hear>war, do not be alarmed, for ({1351{ this?, Peace }1351}) is something /that/ must happen, but the end will not !{be}! yet.

By admin

A ranter who in the end thanks joyfully.

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