stay in the kitchen


What happens when someone triggers a feeling given by someone great? I would react instinctively by assessing if that someone is like [the husband etc.] and if not I would tell the someone not to do that.

Cleopatra of the Nile was loved. But because of 9/11 she was forced into skin films? She loved another woman and that other woman loved Holmes. But Holmes loved another and she called him a pig.

Something happened somewhere and when I touched these somethings I was cast as a rapist. I embody this reputation (an unshakeable reputation) today and will do so until I die.

The media industry is a good place. They make room for some making skin films and spend time and money training many more. So who is this dufus that is touching everyone? Why does he continue touching everyone?

There are many things that I have never done. I have never walked on the moon let alone be a part of NASA. Two minutes and 45 seconds. Second Saturday in June. ears. Need I say more? Why have I been kept alive? My house is invaded, my cars are left in a condition that they can be stolen, I even merit constant attention from a local radio station.

I have been told that my afterlife is my own. It does not belong to someone else because there is sin there. It does not belong to someone else because I do not know how to go there or because I am not there.


me strong

me free

me feel free

Amos 1:3-2:16
The Preacher’s Complete Homiletical Commentary

LIKE all the prophets of Israel, Amos receives oracles for foreign nations. Unlike them, however, he arranges these oracles not after, but before, his indictment of his own people, and so as to lead up to this. His reason is obvious and characteristic. If his aim be to enforce a religion independent of his people’s interests and privileges, how can he better do so than by exhibiting its principles at work outside his people, and then, with the impetus drained from many areas, sweep in upon the vested iniquities of Israel herself? This is the course of the first section of his book-chapters 1 and 2. One by one the neighbors of Israel are cited and condemned in the name of Jehovah; one by one they are told they must fall before the still unnamed engine of the Divine Justice. But when Amos has stirred his people’s conscience and imagination by his judgment of their neighbors’ sins, he turns with the same formula on themselves. Are they morally better? Are they more likely to resist Assyria? With greater detail he shows them worse and their doom the heavier for all their privileges. Thus is achieved an oratorical triumph, by tactics in harmony with the principles of prophecy and remarkably suited to the tempers of that time.
But Amos achieves another feat, which extends far beyond his own day. The sins he condemns in the heathen are at first sight very different from those which he exposes within Israel. Not only are they sins of foreign relations, of treaty and war, while Israel’s are all civic and domestic; but they are what we call the atrocities of Barbarism-wanton war, massacre, and sacrilege-while Israel’s are rather the sins of Civilization-the pressure of the rich upon the poor, the bribery of justice, the seduction of the innocent, personal impurity, and other evils of luxury. So great is this difference that a critic more gifted with ingenuity than with insight might plausibly distinguish in the section before us two prophets with two very different views of national sin-a ruder prophet, and of course an earlier, who judged nations only by the flagrant drunkenness of their war, and a more subtle prophet, and of course a later, who exposed the masked corruptions of their religion and their peace. Such a theory would be as false as it would be plausible. For not only is the diversity of the objects of the prophet’s judgment explained by this, that Amos had no familiarity with the interior life of other nations, and could only arraign their conduct at those points where it broke into light in their foreign relations, while Israel’s civic life he knew to the very core. But Amos had besides a strong and a deliberate aim in placing the sins of civilization as the climax of a list of the atrocities of barbarism. He would recall what men are always forgetting, that the former are really more cruel and criminal than the latter; that luxury, bribery, and intolerance, the oppression of the poor, the corruption of the innocent and the silencing of the prophet-what Christ calls offenses against His little ones-are even more awful atrocities than the wanton horrors of barbarian warfare. If we keep in mind this moral purpose, we shall study with more interest than we could otherwise do the somewhat foreign details of this section. Horrible as the outrages are which Amos describes, they were repeated only yesterday by Turkey: Many of the crimes with which he charges Israel blacken the life of Turkey’s chief accuser, Great Britain.

The love of the Triune God is given as He wills. It is somewhere that is based entirely on the love of the Triune God. If the Triune God showed His love in the something, that is His doing and it is good. I pray for this love constantly and every time the prayer is answered, the effect is undeniably good.

There are processes in which an innocent can be taken to this somewhere and experience the love of God. Why am I a rapist when the love of the Triune God is behind every single goodness in an answered prayer. Why is my prayer not good? Why does the PAN Craft have to be controlled or destroyed? Why do so many people have to die?

My Mother is insane.
She saw the Virgin Mary, but she was not cured of her ills. The Holy Vision was given to her and she became a woman who could no longer accept the care and love of those near to her.
She is going to be swept away.
My Aunt and Uncle are vessels because they are old. They are derided for no reason in restaurants right in front of me.
I see the only family still alive near me being crushed to death.

By admin

A ranter who in the end thanks joyfully.

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