
It is 2019. I see little children, teenagers, young men and women, parents, even doctors trying to acquire a “ball” existence. This like the machine god will never be infinite and will never be enough.

I am dust, I will spend most of eternity as a failed man.
This is the reason for Deo’s torments, physiques, and loss. We are dust: she is vain, I am failed.

Failure can be many things. Failure can be falling into the grip of poverty. Failure can be never producing children. Failure can be never knowing a woman. Failure can be being ugly forever. Failure can be being born small. Failure can be because of karma.

But failure can be many things: arrogance, hypocrisy, the sin of pride, the sin of prejudice, greed, the sin of lust, the sin of envy, hate, the sin of despondency, the sin of selfishness, failure to do good, incorporating evil, foolishness, the sin of neglect, the sin of narcissism.

We are dust. What will our failures be?

By admin

A ranter who in the end thanks joyfully.

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