from TIME magazine

The side effects of the market system can be ameliorated: a rich family takes care of all its children…America can both deliver riches to many and a decent life to all.

Bill Gates guest edited the January 15, 2018 issue of Time.

This is the second time I have referenced Mr. Gates and I continue to rant more than I should.


I will never be wealthy, but I believe that I do have a good chance at a life after death. I am projecting that I will be given a measure of freedom to do as I choose in this life after.

“…a rich family takes care of all its children…”

The Giving Pledge is a commitment by the world’s wealthiest individuals and families to dedicate the majority of their wealth to giving back.

What if the answer to my request for money is no?

“…a rich family takes care of all its children…”

My PAN craft dream is centered in the time of my life after. The love of the Father and the Son creates the Holy Spirit. This Spirit is a faint eminence of the Triune God who will return to judge the living and the dead. What if we could learn a little bit about this love and apply it as the Holy Spirit does?
core: may be unknowable

The judgment of the Son drives Christianity. What if we could learn a little bit about this way of judging and apply it as the Son does?
core: commandments, natural laws

The power of the Father sources all creation, spirit and natural. What if we could learn a little bit about the way this power is applied, and perform acts in the same way that the Father does?
core: commands, structures

The love, judgment, and power present in the PAN craft is directly correctable (with verifiable consequences) by the Triune God. Jesus Christ promised the Holy Spirit to guide humanity to all truth.

If we become a community based on the judgments that we verify as paralleling those of the Triune God, the Triune God will provide all the power we can handle. The task then is to apply love as a rich family taking care of all its children.

Matthew 12:7 And if you had [succeeded in learning] the meaning of the words: “What I want is mercy, not sacrifice (Hosea 6:6)“, you would not have condemned the blameless. 8 For the Son of Man is master of the sabbath.

Genesis 3:6 The woman saw that the tree was good to eat and pleasing to the eye, and it was desirable for the knowledge that it could give. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. She gave some also to her husband who was with her, and he ate it.

Paidiske will never die, this gift has been given to her.
How does she remember that she is dust? She assumes the form of a woman I find beautiful.
With her gifts, she shields me from the anguish that possesses so many people at times.

Matthew 26:34 Jesus answered him, ‘I tell you solemnly, this very night, before the cock crows, you will have disowned Me three times’.

How do I remember that I am dust when given many gifts and Paidiske’s presence?
She is the only one that can approve my use of my gifts, the only woman who can tolerate my presence.
I am dust, I will spend most of eternity as a failed man.

“This is my body!”
Jeremiah 4:30 And you, what are you going to do? You may dress yourself in scarlet, put on ornaments of gold, enlarge your eyes with paint but you make yourself pretty in vain. Your lovers disdain you, your life is what they are seeking.
This truth is hard for the CEOs and Champions to accept.
This is the reason for Paidiske’s torments, physiques, and loss. We are dust: she is vain, I am failed.

Even Kings speak from moments of torment:
Isaiah 38:9 A writing of Hezekiah king of Judah after his illness and recovery…15 What can I say? He will speak to me. It is He who is at work; I will walk to You all the years of my life for my sufferings. 16 LORD, my heart will live for You, my spirit will live for You. You will cure me and give me life, 17 my suffering will turn to health. It is You who have kept my soul from the pit of nothingness, You have ThrusT all my sins behind Your back.

All of our acts are taped in detail. Our future must be an internal struggle consisting of evaluating all of our acts from the point of view of the Triune God. There are things that we must do, there are things that I must do. Not because I am the only one that can or even because I do them well or even innately. We do them, our judgments our power our love, and we evaluate them until the Triune God judges them all as good.

Matthew 19:17 Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you ask Me about what is good? There is One alone who is good. But if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.’

The Police enforce the law. What is my understanding of the law. It is a structure developed over thousands of years with the experience of and interactions of many cultures. It is a set of expertly defined rules and rules placed to keep order in local communities?

How do you build a machine to do such a thing?
Do you produce a Priest that is more immune to the physical realities of being a Priest?
Do you train a Police Officer to work in such a way that very advanced technology and great force are executed in a precise and specified way?

I obey as much of the law as I can.
A Police Official stops by Dominos one night and tells me that I am the only driver who obeys the law as he sees it. I am so greatly complimented that I hardly know what to make of his statement then. I honk my horn and Dominos fires me.
I notice something as time proceeds. When I do good, there is a reward. Small rewards like the compliment from the Official, but the reward is real and stable in time.
I keep on doing good and I see the rewards increase as if all of the little good acts are becoming a tree. I can attach to this tree using thought up structures. The tree is attached to greater structures, the most important of which is an American Police A.I. that makes my world a time that can be lived in. That someone invented a machine that can do this is a GREAT feat.

All my life I have only seen strangers that want me to go to hell.
“A slow death for you.”

This Police AI has never told me anything like this. I am aware of the Police AI and become ever more aware of my world and the Police AI as time passes. The Police AI supports businesses and this support makes all of the taunts and horrible things that occur in today’s giant stores manageable.

Matthew 19:17 Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you ask Me about what is good? There is One alone who is good. But if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.’

Every person, every business has a set of commandments that they can keep and those they cannot. The set of commandments kept must be judged. When the set changes, there is a judgment. It just so happens that in our case, every act of ours is immediately judged because of the set of commandments that we keep. Good must be a temporary term. We are good, we were good, so we must keep becoming more good or we must continually get better. The Police AI is a machine that a community built to parallel this process. That I am aware of the Police AI and that it interacts with me, that it interacts with us, is GREAT. I now live in fear of losing this interaction with the Police AI as I live in fear of losing my family, as I live in fear of losing Lillian, as I live in fear of losing my soul.

The Triune God judges.


Matthew 23:13 ‘Alas for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites!…
Matthew 23:15 ‘Alas for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites!…
Matthew 23:16 ‘Alas for you, blind guides! You who say, “…
Matthew 23:23 ‘Alas for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You who…
Matthew 23:25 ‘Alas for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You who…
Matthew 23:27 ‘Alas for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You who are [like] whitewashed tombs that look handsome on the outside, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and every kind of corruption. 28 In the same way you appear to people from the outside like good honest men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
Matthew 23:29 ‘Alas for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You who build the sepulchers of the prophets and decorate the tombs of holy men, 30 saying, “We would never have joined in shedding the blood of the prophets, had we lived in our fathers’ day” 31 So! Your own evidence tells against you! You are the sons of those who murdered the prophets! 32 Very well then, finish off the work that your fathers began.

“This is critical.”

From His time to today.
My Aunt informed me about my Great Grandmother’s old age.
My Mother saw her Mother’s old age.
I have witnessed my Mother’s hospital stays. I see her starving herself to death. I am deciding when would be the right time to take her to the hospital…
My old age will be the same. The work will be finished because there is nothing else!
There will only be defects to work with.

Jeremiah 5:1 ‘Rove to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, look, now, and learn, search her squares; if you can find a man, one man who does right and seeks the truth, then I will pardon her, says Shaddai ‘Elyon’.’ 3a Shaddai ‘Elyon’, do not your eyes desire to look on truth? 2 But though they say, ‘As Shaddai ‘Elyon’ lives’, they are, in fact, uttering a false oath. 3b You have struck them; they have not felt it. You have crushed them; they have ignored the lesson. They have set their faces harder than rock, they have refused to repent. 4 ‘Only the ordinary people’ I thought ‘behave stupidly, because they do not know what Shaddai ‘Elyon’ requires, nor the ruling of their God. Jeremiah 5:5 I will approach the men in power and speak to them, for these will know what Shaddai ‘Elyon’ requires and the ruling of their God. But these, too, had broken the yoke, had burst the bonds. …6…

By admin

A ranter who in the end thanks joyfully.

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