An Alternate Future mixed in with My Presents

…and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

“I don’t care who you are.”

Saint Ephrem (Mesopotamian mystic)
“most Holy Lady, Mother of God, uniquely pure in soul and
body, Lady full of grace and of the holy Spirit, look upon
me sinful as I am, stained in body and in soul. direct my
straying thoughts which wander in darkness; rule and govern
my feelings; deliver me from the bondage of my sins, so that
having cast off the dark chains of evil, I may worthily
glorify you.”

John 19:26: Jesus linked Mary, His Mother, in a new way with man:
with every man, to whom He had given the Gospel.

{{ Pentecost Church historic birth }}.

spiritual motherhood knows no;?, . it extends in {time{ … }space}.
{reflect,,{ sweetness intuition generosity }Mary}.

“The timeline will not change.”

All vested Religious (male and female) are providers of the Word in every place.

By admin

A ranter who in the end thanks joyfully.

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