What is marriage?

Time magazine’s article puts forth two questions:

Is marriage an institution that has the capacity to increase the pleasure of the adults who enter into it?

Or is marriage an institution that exists to raise the next generation?

Greatly increasing pleasure is available to many different types of couples, homosexuals being the most obvious. But ultimately the weaknesses of these couples grind their relationships to a halt–death ultimately wields final power.

Thus, in the vast framework of time, heterosexuality is the most prevalent type of coupling on earth even if the couple stay together only long enough to mate. And does the choice to stay with the same partner an extended time constitute superiority? Will the next generation be stronger if the institution of marriage is adhered to? Much research indicates that this is so.

But cohabitation must be conducted under constraints imposed by natural law and the laws imposed by other men, some more influential than others. These prophets constrain how a couple must work, eat, and have sex. They specify which couples may mate and which couples must stay sterile. They specify which men and women may marry and which should pursue religious vocations.

God, can a man and a woman bring life into the world?! By improving the life around them in small and great ways regardless of whether they are married or religious? God, can a community improve life in the world in small and great ways regardless of their condition?!

By admin

A ranter who in the end thanks joyfully.


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