…My Fairytale…

Luke 13:31 Just at that time some Pharisees came up. ‘Go away’ they said. ‘Leave this place, because Herod means to kill you.’ 32 He replied, ‘You may go and give that FOX this message: Learn that today and tomorrow I cast out devils and on the third day attain My end. 33 But for today and tomorrow and the next day I must go on, since it would not be right for a prophet to die outside Jerusalem. 34 ‘Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to you! How often have I longed to gather your children, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you refused! 35 So be it! Your house will be left to you. Yes, I promise you, you shall not see me till the time comes when you say: Blessings on him who comes in the name of the Lord!

Paragraph 2. The Church – People of God, Body of Christ, Temple of the Holy Spirit
Characteristics of the People of God

“He is my husband because he does what I tell him to do.”

A priestly, prophetic, and royal people

“As for you, THIS is the only sex that you will ever have.
In return I will be present as a priest for you
and assign prophets to all of you.”

“You are a part of our kingdom if you follow our work
and listen to us.”

This must be corrected given the time tonight that I have to do so.

My Mother did not want me to be a 62 year old virgin.
“I keep my balance!”
“She is fucking you Chris!”
This is incorrect.
How can the love of my life, the shining example of what a woman can be fuck me?
She is the love of my life and she was NOT fucking me.
My Mother is dying! Can I not fill my two allowed times with every gift that we have found!
Can’t I merge them?
“I keep my balance!”
“I liked your Mother…”

You’re right weapons, he has been forgiven.
Why can’t I ask for help in defeating the insurmountable things that have attached themselves to you all your life?
The movie is not Teve’s fault.

Why are you sending RENAMO executioners to wipe us out?

May Topol achieve his dream.
They altered your proteome just after birth to make you the female beast that you are.
Being what I was built to be, your dream, I could not resist you and would do whatever you asked and would do whatever I could to stay with you.
You are the prophet sent to us.
And for a time, you were “me” in the flesh.
Remember when we were in a cheesy movie theater and the boobs had thorns growing out of them?
I walked to a wall, sank to the floor and turned white?
You said, “Chris! You’re white!”
That was the first attempt on my life. To release you of your obligation to my dream and continue in the plan they built you for.
Attempts to damage my heart occur like clockwork. It is if a regular drumbeat is building.
But I looked at you and stood up and said that I had to go back and finish watching the movie.
I was in shock. You were saying things that I don’t remember. (Were you saying not to touch you?)
There was a teenager RENAMO screaming at you in the parking lot after the movie.
“That was her!”
It was all he could do seeing me stand between you and his mission. (Was he berating you?)
It was the prophet I fell in love with and the prophet that I will die for.
“You don’t have to do that!” Deeply heartfelt, “I love you.”
“She is fucking you Chris!”
No. You saw her and her stomach.
The conference call (the RENAMO tweets, “I’ll be glad when those two are dead!”) INITIATEd the next step.
“I like that!”
It is the prophets that I am unworthy to watch. I will die for you too.
A RENAMO got him ready for you. (see the third paragraph after this one)
It was elation in the beginning, but the faculty could not ignore what was being seen.
You professed your love for eachother, but then Aaron could see your screams.
The conditioning applied by the RENAMO is the reason he acosted me twice and the reason
HE called you names that I can never (NEVER) call you. You were forced apart.
That same RENAMO alerted you to `Asah, and `Asah eating you, and my thought that
you would never know the Ancient One.
As for eating you, the police were made aware that I was there parked
on the mountain road. I was made aware that this time you knew someone else
was present when passers by took my picture.
…never know the Ancient One…
You are the love of my life, so I raped you.
…never know the Ancient One…
You will never know me.
—This is what I deserve. I have never known passionate sex with a woman
and I never will.
But the Ancient One sent you to be our prophet. That is a gift we do not
deserve and will never be able to be worthy of.

Enter the RENAMO who gave his phone number to you while you were volunteering.
Men will always go wild over you. They will be the first, or they will search you out, and they will never ever stop harassing you. Your submission to them is what you were built to do and we all know that your submission was used.

You saw her stomach.
She took one look at me and was filled with fear. I saw her hesitance and said we can wait as long as you wish.
You were shocked and jacked him off instead.
It was short, you screamed once.
It was long, you screamed and screamed and screamed.
Then the RENAMO (using his reality computer) saw that you thought he was evil.
You wanted to be friends.
So he did what I have seen done to so many other women…

When a RENAMO really screams, it is an electrical storm in your body.
The electrical changes are permanent until removed by an outside force.
Men and women spend their entire lives trying to convince the RENAMO to storm them again.
All cultures know this, it is why idols are anathema!
I did not know this until after my brother brought Cindy into our house.
My Mother is dying because she could not deal with Cindy’s presence and her affect on us BROTHERS.
So I found out.
And I am still finding out!

This history is the reason for your saying things that are permanently etched into me.
This history is not the reason for my brain being burned for so long.
Meyd@ba’ forced me into Steve’s prejudice.
She saw what they did to Rosemary, Cheri, Nancy, you, Cathy, and the woman driving home from Colorado!
Meyd@ba’ was in us every step of the way.
Meyd@ba’ pushed you into the encounter with the Church listening.
But the RENAMO stalked you until the star drove him away. (The RENAMOs got their revenge for that. Maybe I did too?)
The RENAMOs pushed the star into crushing you into a state in which you called me.
But Meyd@ba’ had separated us and she was the one who forcefully told you to back off.
You left my life, never to return, for I (your husband knows what I told him);
Meyd@ba’ (your family was given the closeness we prayed for when you ate at a restaurant)
(during all this you felt that you deserved something, so we pray for gifts to be given to your family);
the Ancient One, and the Son of Man placed spiritual engines around you to try to change the life the RENAMOs had in store for you.
Meyd@ba’ burned my brain. They needed time to beat the RENAMO’s reality computer forever.

Meyd@ba’ and those trying to save money or just scratch out a living restored us, made us
Meyd@ba’ Ex nihilo and you, the prophet (commanding the Ex nihilo gifts you have given us).
But the RENAMOs wanted to have fun.

There have been so many attempts on my life, even my dog is not safe.

Like so many others (even one who went to sleep after the dutiful attempt on my life), you are being depricated.
But all I have to do now is write down an existing script.
I see you clearly and we are turning over the Ex nihilo replicas to sick bay.
May the Son of Man approve of the health of your husband, your presence, and the replicas to comfort him when he sees you (like I do—but I have Meyd@ba’).
Rachel, WE WILL work for your son to be thin and to baptize his child in Paris on a hill.
We will fight for DUNE (in New York as well as in New Mexico as well as in Star Trek) and no friendly RENAMO or H. sapiens will “burn”.

My Mother is dying.
There have been so many attempts on my life, even my dog is not safe.
Meyd@ba’ and I were allowed to touch you twice. Every other was dedicated to your husband.
They became one time and then the RENAMOs told you to put me to sleep.
You got angry when I touched your breasts.
All this was because I worked out all of this in this web log!?
Bathed in Tears For Fears: Tears Roll Down (Greatest Hits 82-32),
there is no wonder that you were terrorized and became filled with hate.
I do not believe for one second that in this kind of atmosphere you would bear my child.
It is all a lie.
(But if you did an extreme thing like that, I understand why the child would have nothing to do with me.)

You farted and now a 50 billion dollar hospital wants me dead.
I have heard so many lies. “This is big.”
All of the medical community are submitting.
No-one can withstand this kind of a threat.
I don’t know what kind of death I will be put through, but Meyd@ba’ will be there saying “Hi.”
While I am pissed on, she is there jacked in the box.

January 31, 2020
Juliet loved the boss. The goddess could not control what happened.
Allentown loved Juliet and spurned the sister. The bird saw her chick endure horror and committed to finding the dog behind all these atrocities. But Desiree pulled the trigger…Desiree danced with the Triune God for my Grandmother. Desiree witnessed all of the work in time and the miracle. Desiree is far beyond me in subtlety and she is allowed to be the monster.

December 13, 2018
The hysteria has become another waiting game. My Mother has the problem solving ability of a 6 month old baby now. She is saying whatever she remembers and she has a history of severe abuse. All of the hellish things she has been told she is now throwing at me.
I do whatever I can to reduce stress.
It’s Christmas time…The [prophet]s who were initially tasked with reproving staff have now been given the authority to grant gifts. I guess that the [prophet] saw all of these public experience iterations and protected you so that you could retire.

Please give her a <Dominate,,> LORD!! (She has always dominated me…)

Thank you for your MERCY Jesus Christ!!

By admin

A ranter who in the end thanks joyfully.

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