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The women tell me: “I feel dirty.”
I see the executioners and I feel hollow and beaten.

Job 11:1 Zophar of Naamath spoke next. He said: 2 Is babbling to go without an answer? Is wordiness in man a proof of right? 3 Do you think your talking strikes men dumb, will you jeer with no one to refute you? 4 These were your words, ‘my way of life is faultless, and in your eyes I am free from blame’. 5 But if God had a mind to speak, to open his lips and give you answer, 6 were he to show you the secrets of wisdom which put all cleverness to shame — you would know it is for sin he calls you to account. 7 Can you claim to grasp the mystery of God, to understand the perfection of Shaddai? 8 It is higher than the heavens: what can you do? It is DEEPER than Sheol: what can you know? 9 Its length is longer than the earth, its bread is broader than the sea. 10 If he passes, who can stop him, or make him yield once he has seized? 11 For he detects the WORTHLESSNESS in man, he see iniquity and marks it well. 12 And so the IDIOT grows wise, thus a YOUNG wild donkey grows tame. 13 Come, you must set your heart right, stretch out your hands to Him. 14 Renounce the iniquity that stains your hands, let no injustice LIVE WITHIN your tents. 15 Then you may face the world in innocence, unwavering and free from fear. 16 You will forget your sufferings, remember them as waters that have passed away. 17 Your life, more radiant than the noonday, will make a dawn of darkness. 18 Full of hope, you will live secure, dwelling well and safely guarded. 19 No one will dare disturb you, and many a man will seek your favor. 20 But the wicked will look round with weary eyes, and finding no escape, the only hope they have is life’s last breath.

Job 12:1 Job spoke next. He said: 2 Doubtless, you are the voice of the people, and when you die, wisdom will die with you! 3 I can reflect as deeply as ever you can, I am no way inferior to you. And who, for that matter, has not observed as much? 4 A man becomes a LAUGHING-STOCK to his friends if he cries to God and expects an answer. The blameless innocent incurs only MOCKERY. 8 ‘Add insult to injury,’ think the prosperous ‘strike the man now that he is staggering!’ 6 And yet, the tents of brigands are left in peace, and those who challenge God live in safety, and make a god of their two fists! 7 If you would learn more, ask the CATTLE, seek information from the birds of the air. 8 The creeping things of earth will give you lessons, and the fishes of the sea will tell you all.

Whatever the price, no matter how high
Over your shoulder,
When you turn around I’ll be tellin’ you

  • the threats
  • A black man choked a woman, he masterbaited crying while the woman licked his butt.
    “We are very good at this.”
    Tracy Chapman – “Fast Car”

      Leave tonight or live and die this way

    Jayden Black

    Got a phone call, or was it a dream, a voice spoke to me
    I could swear it was you that I heard crying desperately

    kiss her

    Get out of here

    He was shocked and as he slowly relaxed he fell asleep in her arms.

    The keepers of the brazen bull saw how happy he was and felt fear.
    Oddly dressed persons in an entourage entered the brazen bull and shined an early light on us.

    Lessons Learned: A sissy caption story
    Job 5:11 If his will is to rescue the downcast, or raise the afflicted to the heights of joy,
    12 he wrecks the plans of the artful, and brings to naught their intrigues.
    13 He traps the crafty in the snare of their own shrewdness, turns subtle counsellors to idiots.
    14 In daylight they come against darkness, and grope their way as if noon were night.
    15 He rescues the bankrupt from their jaws, and the poor man from the hands of the violent.

    As he watched them she said, “You son of a bitch.”

    He was on a Maru hellship hugging the metal hull. He reacted negatively to them at first, but then realized that he was staring at a beautiful woman.
    He tried to escape and was sentenced to die the following day. The night before he saw the beautiful chick.

    Matthew 15:24 He said in reply, ‘I was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel’. 25 But the woman had come up and was kneeling at his feet. ‘Lord,’ she said ‘help me.’ 26 He replied, ‘It is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the house-dogs’. 27 She retorted, ‘ah yes, sir; but even house-dogs can eat the scraps that fall from their master’s table’. 28 Then Jesus answered her, ‘Woman, you have great FAITH. Let your wish be granted.’

    Photo Sources: Sony Pictures

    You show how strong you are in how much you able to love.

    By admin

    A ranter who in the end thanks joyfully.

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