“There are things that I must do.”

0543MST12212008 (F) :the blessing and, the curse : Deuteronomy 30: bridge for Veronica Siwik-Daniels, bearer of the Dokran image (Isaiah 57:13 KJV+) (M) :the blessing and, the curse.: Deuteronomy 30: {console},, <(Isaiah 57:13 KJV+)> ({{ .configure,, space. () USC }}) Isaiah 44:6-9 LITV Isaiah 44:(6) So says Jehovah, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer,… Continue reading “There are things that I must do.”


Matthew 21:28 ‘What is your opinion? A man had two sons. He went and said to the first, “My boy, you go and work in the vineyard today”. 29 He answered, “I will not go”, but afterwards thought better of it and went. 30 The man then went and said the same thing to the… Continue reading LEARN

(Jeremiah 6:5 LITV) Rise up and let us go up by night and destroy her palaces.

2018 was a hard year. I (and my dog) are alive only because of the Virgin Mary. My Mother did not take care of herself because of terror and mirages built by RENAMOs. My Mother is alive because of the Virgin Mary. When the Virgin Mary calls her, she will be with her Grandmother and… Continue reading (Jeremiah 6:5 LITV) Rise up and let us go up by night and destroy her palaces.

don’t do that

Earlier in the same dictionary, Partridge has this entry for cracking as an adjective: cracking, adj. Very fast ; exceedingly vigorous (– 1880) : slightly ob[solete, in 1936] By the fifth edition (1961) of the dictionary, however, Partridge had evidently rethought the place of “get cracking” in the larger scheme of similar phrases and had… Continue reading don’t do that

…a glib cadaver.

They forcefully warned (and beat) me regarding their kingdom. Not only the [Prophet] but everyone has events that are better left in the dark. I once thought the PAN CRAFT was alone in fighting this hell ship. I now see that I couldn’t be more wrong. Mark Hamill has gone through parallel struggles. So much… Continue reading …a glib cadaver.