
It is 2019. I see little children, teenagers, young men and women, parents, even doctors trying to acquire a “ball” existence. This like the machine god will never be infinite and will never be enough. I am dust, I will spend most of eternity as a failed man. This is the reason for Deo’s torments,… Continue reading vain…failed


Deforestation in Brazil has rocketed since Bolsonaro became president.Amazon deforestation looks set to hit a record high in 2020 Mt | {{ {yang{ ** Topo ** (Space) Bar-Adam ALuCardinal X (Ts’adik) 6:19 | }yang} 6:20 | {{ Son Of Man. | I SEE (ALL) | I SEE YOU | DO WHAT I TELL YOU |… Continue reading AMAZON

from TIME magazine

The side effects of the market system can be ameliorated: a rich family takes care of all its children…America can both deliver riches to many and a decent life to all. Bill Gates guest edited the January 15, 2018 issue of Time. This is the second time I have referenced Mr. Gates and I continue… Continue reading from TIME magazine

Nanda Empire

What is Mother Earth, all of us, worth? I look. What?What are…? Takin’ It to the Streets gyroidal crystalline form(terrified) There is something wrong…(shocked) What are you doing here!-1- stop respiration-2- cut until only crystals remain-3- Call all forces because of this rape. These gods cast me as a brother because of my knowledge of… Continue reading Nanda Empire

You’re Going To Pay For This?,

“He said that he would flush my head down a toilet.” “Shore Leave” Star Trek: The Original Series episode Episode no. Season 1 Episode 15 Directed by Robert Sparr Written by Theodore Sturgeon Featured music Gerald Fried Cinematography by Jerry Finnerman Production code 017 Original air date December 29, 1966 Guest appearance(s) Marcia Brown –… Continue reading You’re Going To Pay For This?,